A compound Poisson-lognormal distribution (PLN) is a Poisson probability distribution where its parameter λ is a random variable with lognormal distribution, that is to say logλ are normally distributed with mean μ and variance σ2 (Bulmer 1974). The density function is
$$ \mathcal{PLN} (k ; \mu, \sigma) = \int_0^\infty {Pois}(k; \lambda) \times \mathcal{N}(log\lambda; \mu, \sigma) d\lambda \\ = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}k!}\int^\infty_0\lambda^{k}exp(-\lambda)exp(\frac{-(log\lambda-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2})d\lambda, \; \text{where} \; k = 0, 1, 2, ... \; \;\;(1). $$
The zero-truncated Poisson-lognormal distribution (ZTPLN) at least have two different forms. First, it can be derived from a Poisson-lognormal distribution,
$$ \mathcal{PLN}_{zt}(k ; \mu, \sigma) = \frac{\mathcal{PLN}(k ; \mu, \sigma)}{1-\mathcal{PLN}(0 ; \mu, \sigma)}, \; \text{where} \; k = 1, 2, 3, ... \;\;(2). $$
Random samples from ZTPLN (eq 2.) requires the inverse cumulative distribution function of ZTPLN (eq 2.),
$$ G_{zt}(x; \lambda) =\sum_{i=1}^k \mathcal{PLN}_{zt}(i ; \mu, \sigma) \;\;(3). $$
Random sampling using Gzt−1 is not implemented at the moment. Instead, zero values will be discarded from random variates that are generated by the inverse cumulative distribution of PLN.
An alternative form of ZTPLN can be directly derived from a mixture of zero-truncated Poisson distribution and lognormal distribution,
$$ \mathcal{PLN}_{zt2} (k ; \mu, \sigma) = \int_0^\infty \frac{{Pois}(k; \lambda)}{1 - Pois(0; \lambda)} \times \mathcal{N}(log\lambda; \mu, \sigma) d\lambda \\ = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}k!}\int^\infty_0 \frac{\lambda^{k}}{exp(\lambda) - 1}exp(\frac{-(log\lambda-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2})d\lambda, \; \text{where} \; k = 1, 2, 3,... \; \;\;(4). $$
Random samples from ZTPLN (eq. 3) can be generated by inverse transform sampling with the cumulative distribution function of a zero-truncated Poisson distribution (Fzt),
$$ F_{zt2}^{-1}(x; \lambda) = F^{-1}((1 - Pois(0; \lambda)) x + Pois(0; \lambda); \lambda) \\ = F^{-1}((1 - e^{-\lambda}) x + e^{-\lambda}; \lambda) \;\;\;\;(5) $$
where Fzt2−1 and F−1 are inverse cumulative distribution function for a zero-truncated Poisson distribution and a Poisson distribution, respectively.
A Poisson lognormal (𝒫ℒ𝒩) mixture model with K components for variables y = (y1, …, yN) is parameterized by the mixture component weight vector θ = (θ1, …, θK) such that 0 ≤ θk ≤ 1 and ∑θk = 1, and the mean μ = (μ1, …, μK) and standard deviation σ = (σ1, …, σK) of the variable’s natural logarithm. The probability mass function (p) for a Poisson lognormal mixture is
$$ p(\boldsymbol y; {\boldsymbol \mu}, {\boldsymbol \sigma}, {\boldsymbol \theta}) = \sum_{k=1}^{K}\theta_k \mathcal{PLN}(\boldsymbol{y} ; \mu_k, \sigma_k) \; \; (6). $$
Given that each mixture component is zero-truncated, the probability mass function for the zero-truncated Poisson lognormal mixture (pzt) is
$$ p_{zt}(\boldsymbol y; {\boldsymbol \mu}, {\boldsymbol \sigma}, {\boldsymbol \theta}) = \sum_{k=1}^{K}\theta_k \frac{\mathcal{PLN}(\boldsymbol{y} ; \mu_k, \sigma_k)} {1 - \mathcal{PLN}(0 ; \mu_k, \sigma_k)} \; \; (7) $$
for ZTPLN type 1, and
$$ p_{zt2}(\boldsymbol y; {\boldsymbol \mu}, {\boldsymbol \sigma}, {\boldsymbol \theta}) = \sum_{k=1}^{K}\theta_k \mathcal{PLN}_{zt2}(\boldsymbol{y} ; \mu_k, \sigma_k) \; \; (8) $$
for ZTPLN type 2.
dztpln(x, mu, sig, log = FALSE, type1 = TRUE)
: gives
the (log) density of a zero truncated poisson lognormal
distributionrztpln(n, mu, sig, type1 = TRUE)
: random draw from a
zero truncated poisson lognormal distributiondztplnm(x, mu, sig, theta, log = FALSE, type1 = TRUE)
gives the (log) density of a zero truncated poisson lognormal
distribution mixture.ztplnm(n, mu, sig, theta, type1 = TRUE)
: random draw
from a zero truncated poisson lognormal distribution mixture.We can generate ZTPLN random variates.
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
rztpln(n = 10, mu = 0, sig = 1)
#> [1] 1 1 1 1 2 6 1 7 2 1
rztpln(n = 10, mu = 6, sig = 4)
#> [1] 20 155 5 24 208 714 6221 2207 36 13624
We can also generate mixture of ZTPLN random variates.
rztplnm(n = 100,
mu = c(0, 4),
sig = c(0.5, 0.5),
theta = c(0.2, 0.8)) %>%
log %>% hist(main = "", xlab = "k")
Type 1 model (dztpln(..., type1 = TRUE)
) fits better for
type 1 random variates (rztpln(..., type1 = TRUE)
y <- rztpln(n = 100, mu = 2, sig = 5, type1 = TRUE)
sum(dztpln(y, mu = 2, sig = 5, log = TRUE, type1 = TRUE))
#> [1] -764.0654
sum(dztpln(y, mu = 2, sig = 5, log = TRUE, type1 = FALSE))
#> [1] -790.5514
Type 2 model (dztpln(..., type1 = FALSE)
) fits better
for type 2 random variates
(rztpln(..., type1 = FALSE)
Let’s consider a simple example where random variates follows the same parameters of type 1 and type 2 ZTPLN. We define two different sets of random variates, 𝒫ℒ𝒩zt(k; 1, 2) and 𝒫ℒ𝒩zt2(k; 1, 2).
In this example, when k is small, type 2 ZTPLN shows greater likelihood.
k1 <- 1
k <- 1000
dat <- tibble(type1 = dztpln(k1:k, mu = 1, sig = 2, type1 = TRUE),
type2 = dztpln(k1:k, mu = 1, sig = 2, type1 = FALSE),
x = k1:k) %>%
pivot_longer(-x, names_to = "type", values_to = "y")
ggplot(dat %>% dplyr::filter(x <= 10), aes(x = x, y = y, col = type)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line() +
scale_y_log10() +
xlab("k") +
ylab("Likelihood") +
When k is large, type 1 ZTPLN shows greater likelihood.
ggplot(dat, aes(x = x, y = y, col = type)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line() +
scale_y_log10() +
xlab("k") +
ylab("Likelihood") +
Bulmer, M. G. 1974. On Fitting the Poisson Lognormal Distribution to Species-Abundance Data. Biometrics 30:101-110.
Inouye, D., E. Yang, G. Allen, and P. Ravikumar. 2017. A Review of Multivariate Distributions for Count Data Derived from the Poisson Distribution. Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Computational statistics 9:e1398.